
Milí priatelia,

V minulom roku sa podarilo úspešne zrealizovať projekt záchrany gompy, ktorá nutne potrebovala rekonštrukciu základov. Ďakujeme vám zo srdca za vašu podporu, bez ktorej by sme sa nezaobišli.

Naďalej však vykonávame údržbové praće a postupne gompu vylepšujeme, preto ďalej pokračujeme vo fundraisingovej zbierke. Pokiaľ by ste chceli pomôcť, navštívte náš fundraisingový web (viď červený link nižšie), kde nájdete všetky potrebné informácie, ako môžete opravu gompy podporiť.

Podpor gonpu a kúp si svoj kúsok mandaly!

Suport gonpa and buy your own piece of mandala!

obrazok mandaly

Aktuálne udalosti

25. – 28.07.2024 Letný retreat jantrajogy s Honzom
01. – 04.08.2024 Kurz gurujogy sedemveršovej modlitby s Tulku Dakpa Rinpočhem
28.08. – 01.09.24   Kurz Ca-lungu praxe Mandaravy s Fabiom Andricom
13. – 15.09.2024 Prípravné praxe Ati s Lukášom
26. – 29.09.2024 Drubčo Vadžrakily s Lámom Norbu Tseringom (organizované Dudžom Tersar sanghou)
05.10.2024 Celokomunitné stretnutie
11. – 13.10.2024 Kurz učení a praxí týkajúcich sa Bardo a umierania so Zolim Cserom
29.11. – 01.12.24 Prax Zelej Táry v Bratislave s Lukášom
08.12.2024 Webcast: Yeshi Namkhai – Zrkadlo
31.12.2024 Silvester vo Wangdenlingu

Chögyal Namkhai Norbu Slovakia Visit 2016

The Life and Works of Chögyal Namkhai Norbu | ChNN Timeline | Coloring Mandala

Čo je to Dzogčhen?

Dzogchen je prastaré učenie o prvotnom stave bytia, ktorý je od počiatku vlastný každému ako jeho vnútorná, prirodzená podstata. Dzogčhen je tiež jedným z názvov „prvotného stavu čistej pozornosti“. Termín pochádza aj z „najvyššej dokonalosti“ praxe vadžrajány po tom, ako sa vizualizácia božstva a recitácia mantry rozpustí, sa spočíva v prvotnom stave prirodzene jasnej a čistej mysle. Tibetský Dzogčhen sa považuje aj za „Zen tantry“.

Čhögjal Namkhai Norbu (1938-2018) odovzdával učenie dzogčhenu na stretnutiach so žiakmi po celom svete, s dôrazom na rozvoj poznania dzogčhenu v konkrétnej životnej situácii každého jednotlivca. Spolupráca prebieha v rámci medzinárodnej Komunity dzogčhenu, ktorej hlavným centrom je Dzamling Gar na Tenerife v Španielsku. Na Slovensku existuje Komunita dzogčhenu oficiálne od roku 2001, s meditačnými skupinami v Bratislave, Myjave, Trenčíne, Žiline, Zvolene a v Košiciach. Neďaleko Novej Bošáce budujeme centrum pre štúdium a prax dzogčhenu menom Wangdenling.



Po Ut St Št Pi So Ne
Zoom: Prax Shitro 19:00
Zoom: Prax Shitro
jan 17 @ 19:00 – 20:00
Zoom: Prax Shitro
International dzogchen community is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 881 0349 5225 Passcode: 953127Dxop
Zoom: Zelena Tara
Zoom: Zelena Tara
jan 18 – jan 19 celý deň
Zoom: Zelena Tara
Webcast: Prax Zelenej Táry Sobota 18.1. dopoludnia 9.00, 11.00, popoludní 14.30, 16.30 a 18.30 Nedeľa 19.1. dopoludnia 9.00, 11.00 a popoludní 14.00 Online zoom link:
Zoom: Prax Shitro 19:00
Zoom: Prax Shitro
jan 18 @ 19:00 – 20:00
Zoom: Prax Shitro
International dzogchen community is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 881 0349 5225 Passcode: 953127Dxop
Zoom: Prax Shitro 19:00
Zoom: Prax Shitro
jan 19 @ 19:00 – 20:00
Zoom: Prax Shitro
International dzogchen community is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 881 0349 5225 Passcode: 953127Dxop
Zoom: Prax Shitro 19:00
Zoom: Prax Shitro
jan 20 @ 19:00 – 20:00
Zoom: Prax Shitro
International dzogchen community is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 881 0349 5225 Passcode: 953127Dxop
Zoom: Prax Shitro 19:00
Zoom: Prax Shitro
jan 21 @ 19:00 – 20:00
Zoom: Prax Shitro
International dzogchen community is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 881 0349 5225 Passcode: 953127Dxop
Zoom: Prax Shitro 19:00
Zoom: Prax Shitro
jan 22 @ 19:00 – 20:00
Zoom: Prax Shitro
International dzogchen community is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 881 0349 5225 Passcode: 953127Dxop
Zoom: Prax Shitro 19:00
Zoom: Prax Shitro
jan 23 @ 19:00 – 20:00
Zoom: Prax Shitro
International dzogchen community is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 881 0349 5225 Passcode: 953127Dxop
Den dakin. Ganapuja
Den dakin. Ganapuja
jan 24 celý deň
Vysvetlenie praxe Ganapuje
Vysvetlenie praxe Ganapuje
jan 24 – jan 26 celý deň
Vysvetlenie praxe Ganapuje
Vysvetlenie praxe Ganapuje s Lukasom v KC Kuzmanyho 14, BA.
Zoom: Prax Shitro 19:00
Zoom: Prax Shitro
jan 24 @ 19:00 – 20:00
Zoom: Prax Shitro
International dzogchen community is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 881 0349 5225 Passcode: 953127Dxop
Zoom: Prax Shitro 19:00
Zoom: Prax Shitro
jan 25 @ 19:00 – 20:00
Zoom: Prax Shitro
International dzogchen community is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 881 0349 5225 Passcode: 953127Dxop
Zoom: Prax Shitro 19:00
Zoom: Prax Shitro
jan 26 @ 19:00 – 20:00
Zoom: Prax Shitro
International dzogchen community is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 881 0349 5225 Passcode: 953127Dxop
Zoom: Prax Shitro 19:00
Zoom: Prax Shitro
jan 27 @ 19:00 – 20:00
Zoom: Prax Shitro
International dzogchen community is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 881 0349 5225 Passcode: 953127Dxop
Zoom: Prax Shitro 19:00
Zoom: Prax Shitro
jan 28 @ 19:00 – 20:00
Zoom: Prax Shitro
International dzogchen community is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 881 0349 5225 Passcode: 953127Dxop
Nov. Ganapuja
Nov. Ganapuja
jan 29 celý deň
Zoom: Prax Shitro 19:00
Zoom: Prax Shitro
jan 29 @ 19:00 – 20:00
Zoom: Prax Shitro
International dzogchen community is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 881 0349 5225 Passcode: 953127Dxop
Zoom: Prax Shitro 19:00
Zoom: Prax Shitro
jan 30 @ 19:00 – 20:00
Zoom: Prax Shitro
International dzogchen community is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 881 0349 5225 Passcode: 953127Dxop
Zoom: Prax Shitro 19:00
Zoom: Prax Shitro
jan 31 @ 19:00 – 20:00
Zoom: Prax Shitro
International dzogchen community is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 881 0349 5225 Passcode: 953127Dxop


V prípade, že máte záujem o Kalendár akcií Medzinárodnej komunity Dzogchen Wangdenling použite do vlastného kalendára nasledovný URL:

But beyond the mind, beyond our thoughts, there is something we call the ‘nature of the mind’, the mind’s true condition, which is beyond all limits. If it is beyond the mind, though, how can we approach an understanding of it?

Let’s take the example of a mirror. When we look into a mirror we see in it the reflected images of any objects that are in front of it; we don’t see the nature of the mirror. But what do we mean by this ‘nature of the mirror’? We mean its capacity to reflect, definable as its clarity, its purity, and its limpidity, which are indispensable conditions for the manifestation of reflections. This ‘nature of the mirror’ is not something visible, and the only way we can conceive of it is through the images reflected in the mirror. In the same way, we only know and have concrete experience of that which is relative to our condition of body, voice, and mind. But this itself is the way to understand their true nature.
Namkhai Norbu
Dzogchen: The Self-Perfected State

Zapojte sa. Ak sa vám páči, čo robíme, podporte nás.
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