Dear all!!
We are more than pleased to announce the next webcast Dzogchen Teachings with Yeshi Namkhai
Time zone: Italian time – CEST – GMT/UTC + 2:00
Check your local time at:
Dzogchen Teachings with Yeshi Namkhai
20 – 27 June 2024
Thursday, June 20
4 pm Starting of the retreat, short introductory speech welcoming the participants and thanking Yeshi Namkhai
Dzogchen teachings with Yeshi Namkhai
Friday, June 21
10 am Dzogchen teachings with Yeshi Namkhai
3 pm Presentation of the Dzogchen Community with Fabio Risolo
5.30 pm Presentation of the Dzogchen Community with the International Gakyil
Saturday, June 22
10 am Dzogchen Teachings with Yeshi Namkhai
3 pm Explanation of the practice with Fabio Risolo
4 pm Ganapuja
Sunday, June 23
10 am Dzogchen teachings with Yeshi Namkhai
Monday, June 24
10 am Dzogchen teachings with Yeshi Namkhai
6 pm Presentation of the activities of Shang Shung Publication
Tuesday, June 25
10 am Dzogchen teachings with Yeshi Namkhai
4 pm Presentation of the activities of ASIA
Wednesday, June 26
10 am Dzogchen teachings with Yeshi Namkhai
4 pm Presentation of the restorations of the Gönpa paintings with Dynamic Space of the Elements
Thursday, June 27
10 am Dzogchen teachings with Yeshi Namkhai and conclusion of retreat
This is the link to which you can connect at the times indicated in the program:
For online translation in Japanese, French, German, Spanish, Russian, Czech, Hungarian, Ukrainian, and Polish, please connect to Zoom webinar here:
Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting [no password required]
For a week after each session you will be able to review the Teaching on the replay page of the webcast site:
We remind you that you can send your contribution by Credit/debit card, PayPal, Apple pay and Google pay by clicking this link:
Connect to the open webcast at:
Thanks for your participation
Wishing the best to all of you
With warm and kind regards
Webcast Team