Tanečná nedeľa s Elishou Koppensteiner / Dance sunday with Elisha Koppensteiner

15. november 2015 @ 10:00 – 13:00
športový objekt Mladosť STU v BA
Staré Grunty
841 04 Karlova Ves
Vstupné / Štartovné:
Andrej Mocko


Radi by sme Vás pozvali na Tanečnú nedeľu s Elishou Koppensteiner.

V náuke Dzogchen je zvuk a pohyb veľmi dôležitý lebo sú to prostriedky integrácie do stavu konteplácie.
Tí, ktorí majú záujem objaviť či rozvinúť ich pochopenie sú vítaní.

Je to vynikajúca príležitosť ako sa naučiť/zdokonaliť tance na mandale a harmonizovať energie každého jednotlivca a zároveň je to metóda integrácie teľa,reči a mysle do (v) stavu konteplácie.

Účasť na tomto retreate je podmienená obdržaním Transmisie a absolvovaním kurzou Vajra tanca.

Finančne môžete podporiť :

Názov účtu: Dzogchen
Meno Banky: UniCredit Bank Slovakia a. s.
Mesto/štát: Bratislava/Slovakia
Adresa: Šancova 1/A
Pobočka: Hurbanovo namestie 1 (Pallehner)
IBAN: SK4711110000001018129018 BIC: UNCRSKBX



We are happy to invite you for Dance sunday with Elisha Koppensteiner.

In the Dzogchen Teaching sound and movement are very important because they are the means to integrate oneself into the state of contemplation.

This is a very good opportunity to practice Dance on mandala, which can harmonise the energy of each individual and become a method for integrating body, speech and mind into knowledge of the state of contemplation.

To participate on this retreat is necessary to receive Transmission and to have completed  Vajra dance courses .

Newcomers who want to participate at a World Wide Transmission should be seriously interested in the Dzogchen Teachings, which are transmitted by our Teacher Chögyal Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche and practised in our worldwide Dzogchen Community. New participants at a World Wide Transmission should try to receive Teachings from Chögyal Namkhai Norbu in the future. After having received the Transmission, they should also try to train and collaborate with the Sangha of the International Dzogchen Community of Chögyal Namkhai Norbu. Originally Rinpoche had this idea of a “Transmission on Distance” because he wanted to help people in difficult situations who could not travel at that time to meet the Teacher. The Transmission should enable them to practice the Dzogchen Teachings transmitted by him without being in his direct physical presence. In order to learn the appropriate mantras, mudras, and melodies correctly, it is important to hear an explanation from a knowledgeable student of Chögyal Namkhai Norbu well in advance of the event. ”When we are doing this practice together we are unifying in the same state, that famous state in Dzogchen teaching called the primordial state…. that means teacher and students are all in that moment in the primordial state, so in this way there is a possibility to transmit. For transmission there is no distance, if you are far or near it doesn’t matter because knowledge of transmission is beyond time and distance. So for this reason we can use this method”. Transmission can be given via webcast if an explanation has been given first.

If you like  , you can donate:

Account name: Dzogchen
Bank : UniCredit Bank Slovakia a. s.
City/State: Bratislava/Slovakia
Address: Šancova 1/A
Branch: Hurbanovo namestie 1 (Pallehner)
IBAN: SK4711110000001018129018 BIC: UNCRSKBX